Vignette Switzerland

Vignette Switzerland

Vignette Switzerland

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Digital Vignette Switzerland - Auto (1 year)52.95 X
Digital Vignette Switzerland Caravan / Trailer (1 year)52.95 X
Digital Vignette Switzerland - Motorbike (1 year)52.95 X
Immediately available - Valid until 31st of Januari 2025!

Vignette Switzerland—do I need a toll vignette for Switzerland?

Do you like to travel to Switzerland by motorbike, car, caravan or motorhome? Are you going on a summer holiday or just for the skiing season? Then the quickest way to your destination is definitely via one or more Swiss motorways. And as of old, these will require a toll sticker. Even if you are not travelling to Switzerland itself but are just passing through (e.g., on your way to Italy, Austria or Yugoslavia), a toll vignette is mandatory.

Have you got any such travel plans? Then don’t forget the Switzerland toll vignette! With this Swiss motorway vignette, you pay a small road tax for the use of these beautiful motorways. There is also no point in trying to avoid all the toll roads in Switzerland. Because the toll obligation applies to all motorways, it is virtually impossible to avoid them. Lose focus for just a second and you will find yourself on a toll road anyway. And if you do not have the required vignette, you can expect a hefty fine.

Therefore, you should not take any risks and arrange for a Swiss vignette in advance. Below, we provide more information about the vignette and how to apply for it. This means you can set off for Switzerland with peace of mind. Have a good trip!

Toll Switzerland—which roads require a vignette?

In Switzerland, like everything there, things are made very clear. The toll vignette is mandatory on all motorways, so if you want to make use of one of these motorways, you will always need the Swiss toll vignette! That is, if your car or motorbike has a maximum permitted weight of 3500kg. Vehicles travelling with a trailer or caravan require two vignettes. Please note: the vehicle and trailer combined may not exceed a weight of 3500kg.

There is also a toll requirement for motor vehicles weighing more than 3500kg (buses, trucks, large motorhomes, etc.), but they must arrange this special Schwerverkehrsabgabe at border customs (see below). 

The map below indicates all Swiss toll roads.

Image credits: Wikipedia

Road vignette Switzerland—additional tolls for tunnels

Earlier, we mentioned that the toll vignette Switzerland applies to all motorways. That is not entirely true. Because in the Swiss road network, there are several tunnels that you have to pay for separately. This applies in particular to the Great St Bernard Tunnel and the Munt-la-Schera Tunnel. Another important one, the famous St Gotthard tunnel, is free of charge.

Be careful with hired cars!

Are you travelling in or through Switzerland with a hired car? Then make sure the Autobahn sticker is attached. If you hire the vehicle in Switzerland, this is usually the case. But if the hire car is registered in another country, the vignette will often not be included and you will have to obtain it anyway. In that case, always consult with the vehicle hire company first.

Toll vignette Switzerland—types of vignettes and costs

In most European countries, there are several vignettes for different vehicles, and sometimes separate vignettes for different toll routes. Fortunately, the Swiss have made things very easy. There is only one toll vignette for all Swiss motorways, and it applies to all vehicles without a trailer. So, whether you want to tour Switzerland by motorbike, car or motorhome, they all require the same vignette. 

However, you do have to pay separately for a trailer or caravan in Switzerland. But even then, it remains very simple: it is exactly the same toll sticker as for the towing vehicle. In other words, you just buy two identical toll stickers for a car and caravan. 

A Swiss vignette is legally valid for an entire calendar year, which is also indicated on the vignette. But in reality, it is valid for 14 months because the month before and the month after the calendar year are included as well. For example, the 2024 toll vignette is already valid from 1 December 2023 and runs until 31 January 2025.

Which vehicles require a toll vignette?

The Swiss toll vignette is mandatory for motorbikes and cars with a maximum weight of 3500kg. Trailers and caravans also require a separate vignette. However, there is one exception: motorbikes pulling a trailer do not need to purchase an additional vignette. 

For vehicles over 3500kg, such as heavy motorhomes, other rules apply. For these vehicles, you require a special Schwerverkehrsabgabe. You can apply for this at the customs offices at the border crossings. Is there nobody there? Then there will be signs along the road with a number for you to call. Here, you can register your vehicle by phone. How much it will cost depends on the duration of your stay.

Where to purchase the Switzerland vignette?

Do you want to purchase a road vignette Switzerland? This can be done in various places. You can, of course, buy it along the way at border crossings. Or from the website of the Swiss government (in German). However, you can also order the sticker or e-vignette conveniently and securely in advance through a reliable intermediary. Wherever you buy the Switzerland vignette, make sure you keep the receipt for as long as the vignette is valid—and preferably a little longer. You may be asked for it, and if you ever get fined, you will have supporting evidence.

We will discuss the possibilities in more detail below.

En route

The toll vignette for Switzerland can be purchased en route at some border crossings and at numerous petrol stations, toll stations and post offices. However, they will need to be open and you will have to bring a valid credit card. You can also pay in cash (no coins, only notes), but change is given in Swiss francs at an extremely unfavourable rate. Moreover, it can get quite busy on the road, especially in the high season. Do you wish to travel in peace, without wasting precious time? Then it is always better to have these things arranged in advance.

At the ABTA

Going on a trip? Then you can always turn to the ABTA for all kinds of help and support. However, you cannot purchase the Swiss motorway vignette there. If you want to arrange your vignette quickly, a specialist like is the way to go. In any case, make sure you somehow arrange the Switzerland vignette well before you leave on your trip!

Easy and online at

Many travellers order their toll sticker for Switzerland online at because it is so quick and easy. The cost of a Swiss car vignette is €49.95. It is a little more than when you purchase it at the Swiss border, but you get a lot of peace and convenience in return. Our entire ordering process is straightforward and in English: just fill in a few details, checkout and everything will be taken care of. You can then leave with the sticker already on your windscreen! This is very convenient, as you already have enough on your mind while travelling.

Applying is very simple. As soon as we have received your application and payment, we will start processing it for you. If you order the toll sticker before 5 p.m. on business days, we will process your request the very same day and you will usually receive the sticker the next day!

The costs for the toll vignette Switzerland always include application, processing and registration. You can pay safely and quickly online with iDEAL, PayPal, Bancontact or credit card. So why do it the hard way when we make it so easy? 

Where should you apply the Switzerland vignette?

You might think: as long as I apply the toll sticker to something, it should be clear that I have paid. However, in Switzerland, things are not that simple! It is really important that you apply the sticker in the right place, according to certain guidelines. If not, you could easily get into trouble during an inspection. If you stick to the following rules, everything should be fine.

Car: apply your toll vignette here

In a car, the vignette for Switzerland must be applied to the inside of the windscreen. You can choose between three different places:

  1. Behind the rear-view mirror, i.e., in the top-centre of the windscreen.
  2. On the driver’s side, in the lower-left corner.
  3. On the driver’s side, top-left corner.

Motorbike: apply your toll vignette here

A motorbike has less room for the toll sticker, but it should still be clearly visible. This is the case if you apply it to the tank, the fairing or the windshield, for instance.

Trailer: apply your toll vignette here

There are two ways to apply the toll vignette on a trailer or caravan:

  1. Is there no windscreen or no windows at all? Then you should apply the vignette on the left-hand side in a non-removable place that is also easily accessible. To prevent theft, it should also be as concealed as possible. This can present quite a hassle, as you may have to remove the tarp or open the trailer cover first.
  2. Are there only side windows? Then you have to apply the vignette to a window on the left side.

Please note! Make sure you apply the sticker properly. Do not use adhesive tape or anything similar! And are there still Swiss vignettes from previous years on your vehicle? Then you should remove them first before applying a new one. Finally, avoid damaging the sticker, as that would invalidate it...

Toll roads Switzerland—inspections and fines

Since you need the toll vignette Switzerland for all Swiss motorways, we can be very brief about the exceptions: There are none! Naturally, this makes it easy for the Swiss authorities to perform inspections. If you are found driving on a Swiss motorway with a vehicle that does not have a valid toll sticker, you will be penalised immediately. It’s as simple as that. The authorities are monitoring the roads with the aid of cameras, but they will also very often carry out traditional road inspections. The fine for “driving without a toll vignette” can amount to 200 Swiss francs. One thing is certain: the costs for a valid toll vignette are considerably lower! Getting a traffic fine in Switzerland often also means you have to pay immediately. But even if you get the fine sent to your home, it is better to pay it quickly. Governments are cooperating to an ever greater extent in collecting foreign fines, so there is no escaping them. In addition, high costs will be imposed if you do not pay on time.

Therefore, our advice is: if you want to drive in or through Switzerland, don’t take any risks and buy your Autobahn vignette ahead of time.

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