Czech Republic

  • 1Travelling to the Czech Republic by car?
  • 2The toll vignette in the Czech Republic
  • 3Mandatory to bring in the car
  • 4Refuelling and petrol prices
  • 5Czech traffic regulations
  • 6Fines

Travelling to the Czech Republic by car?

The Czech Republic is receiving more and more British visitors. This is generally for holidays, and more often than not, that’s a driving holiday.

About travelling to the Czech Republic by car.
Are you also planning to travel to the Czech Republic by car? Then you would probably like to know what the local regulations are, how refuelling works, and whether you need to buy a toll vignette (to which the answer is yes, and you can do so on this website!). We have gathered all the necessary information for you. Use it to your advantage!


10-day vignette for the Czech Republic
Monthly vignette for the Czech Republic
JAnnual vignette for the Czech Republic

The toll vignette in the Czech Republic

A toll vignette is mandatory for all motorists travelling in the Czech Republic. The Czech toll vignette is an electronic sticker. The hard copy version in PDF must also be kept in the car, as you must be able to present it on request. Buy your vignette Czech Republic here. It is extremely simple, and you will receive the vignette in no time!
Order your mandatory Czech vignette in advance.

Order your mandatory Czech vignette in advance.


Mandatory to bring in the car

When driving in the Czech Republic, there are a number of mandatory items you must carry in your car. In addition to your toll vignette, you also need a warning triangle, a safety vest, a first-aid kit and, unlike some other countries, a spare wheel.
The electronic toll system ViaToll has been mandatory in Poland

If you want to know more about these obligations or about the items you are required to carry with you, continue reading here.


Refuelling and petrol prices

Whether you need to fill up with petrol, diesel, gas or electric charge, bringing a car to a foreign country and figuring out refuelling is always tricky. This also applies to the Czech Republic. We have gathered all of the necessary information about petrol and refuelling in the Czech Republic. Read it here.
Do you have questions about the Czech vignette?

Do you have questions about the Czech vignette?

We are happy to help.


Czech traffic regulations

What are the traffic regulations in the Czech Republic? If you travel here by car, this is undoubtedly a question you will ask yourself. In general, we can assume that traffic regulations are similar in different countries. However, there are always some differences. We have compiled a comprehensive summary of the Czech Republic’s traffic regulations.


Similarly, if you commit a traffic offence in the Czech Republic, you run the risk of being fined. But what is the procedure in this country, and how high can these fines be? This is something you will probably want to know about. Which is why we have created a dedicated page on this topic.
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