
  • 1Travelling to Bulgaria by car?
  • 2Toll and toll vignette
  • 3Mandatory items to carry in your car
  • 4Refuelling and petrol prices
  • 5Traffic regulations
  • 6Traffic fines in Bulgaria

Travelling to Bulgaria by car?

Bulgaria is becoming increasingly popular as a holiday destination. Many Brits travel to this Eastern European country for their summer holidays. Bulgaria is also becoming increasingly popular as a winter sports destination, partly because it is a relatively cheap holiday destination. One of the most popular ways to travel to Bulgaria is by car.

Poland toll: who has to pay it Spanje?
We will tell you everything you need to know when planning a car holiday to Bulgaria. This includes what you should pay attention to, details of the mandatory road vignette (which you can easily buy on this website), and the other items you should carry in your car.


Weekly vignette Bulgaria
Monthly vignette Bulgaria
Three-month vignette Bulgaria

Toll and toll vignette

When driving through Bulgaria, paying a toll is an obligation. Both Bulgarians and foreign visitors are required to pay tolls in the country. You can think of the toll as your road tax. You will also have to pay a toll at some border crossings to enter Bulgaria. Every driver in Bulgaria must carry a toll vignette, including foreigners. In 2019, Bulgaria replaced its physical toll vignette with a digital version. You can purchase your digital . vignette Bulgaria on this website.
Het betalen van tol is verplicht in Bulgarije.

Comply with the Bulgarian toll requirement


Mandatory items to carry in your car

Just like in other countries, it is mandatory in Bulgaria to carry certain items in your car or motorhome. This includes the toll vignette, but you should also carry a safety vest, warning triangle, first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher.
The electronic toll system ViaToll has been mandatory in Poland

Read more about your mandatory safety equipment here.


Refuelling and petrol prices

When you travel by car, refuelling is inevitable. Most of the fuel types common in the UK are also available in Bulgaria. And they’re a lot cheaper, too! We’ve compiled a list of the most common car fuels and how you can pay for them.
Do you have any questions about the Bulgarian vignette?

Do you have any questions about the Bulgarian vignette?

We are happy to help.


Traffic regulations

Many traffic regulations that apply in the UK are also in force in Bulgaria. But, of course, there are a few differences. On this page, we provide a summary of the most important regulations and the differences between the traffic regulations in Bulgaria and the UK.

One of these Bulgarian rules is that you have to pay a road tax in the form of a toll vignette (which you can order here).

Traffic fines in Bulgaria

Just like in the UK, you will also be fined for traffic offences in Bulgaria. For speeding, you can expect a fine starting at €10, but you might also lose your driving licence for up to three months. Did you drive through a red light? Then expect a fine of €50 or more. You can read more facts and myths about traffic fines in Bulgaria here.
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